SEO For Directory websites
Search Engine optimization(SEO) is a technique that is used to get more traffic to your website, or the process that helps your website to get higher ranking in search result. In case of SEO for directory websites, directory listings can play a role in a well-rounded SEO and online marketing strategy. Advantages of a directory listing strategy include:
► Many directory pages will rank well for important search terms. If you are listed there, you gain the additional exposure in the results pages. ►Gain relevant, powerful links that search engines value highly.►Potential clients will notice if you are not listed where many of your competitors are - you need to be the one to set the standard first.Web Directories and SEO:
There is a popular strategy amongst site owners was to simply submit their sites to as many web directories as possible. This was a quick and easy way to getting more links.This method was popular for many reasons, with the main ones being like, it was low cost, it worked, was very easy to do and didn’t involve a great deal of work.
Listing in directories good or bad for SEO?:
Submitting your site to directories can be both GOOD and BAD. It depends on which directories you submit to, how you go about submitting, your intent, and the approach you take.The best way to stay on top of everything is to use ONE email account for all of your directory submissions. Its always best when submitting your site to directories, to use unique descriptions.