SEO optimization practices offered by SEO Zooms company will be based on allowed and authorized modifications made with in the website and normal authority and trust level promotional activities. We adopt highly ethical SEO optimization practices based on content publishing and content marketing methodologies complying to the main guidelines provided by Google.
We have seo analysis portion to conduct effective website analysis, keyword analysis and research, competition analysis prior to the on page seo modifications made the head and body sessions of each pages of the website.
After a seo possibility research relevant keywords will be recorded. Different level of Keyword analysis and research will be conducted with help of client’s opinion about relevancy of keyword to confirm the business inquiry possibilities and conversion chances. Once the keywords are finalized, onsite seo optimization activities will be started in the website.
As part of on page SEO, important modifications such as URL structuring, naming, effective optimization practices such as meta tag optimizations, title modifications etc will be conducted in the head section of website pages. After completing modification in head session and body session, website pages will be checked with tools for HTML errors, W3c validation etc.
Once on page SEO modifications are over, off page SEO Optimization Practices will be started after conducting basic level competition for the keywords and analysis study of main competitors. Social media profiles will be created and optimized to enable maximum social signals, social media presence and social authority.